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2024 Comprehensive Plan Periodic Review
The City of Lakewood has begun a review of the entire City Comprehensive Plan and development regulations and critical areas ordinance that must be completed by December 31, 2024.
Project Overview
What is the 2024 Periodic Review?
State law requires many cities, including Lakewood, to complete a periodic review of their entire Comprehensive Plan and development regulations, including regulations for critical areas and natural resource lands. Lakewood must complete this review by December 31, 2024, and then future reviews every 10 years after that. City Comprehensive Plans and regulations must be up-to-date with the requirements of the Growth Management Act to be eligible for transportation project grants and loans from certain state infrastructure programs.

What is being reviewed?
Every “element” or chapter of the City’s Comprehensive Plan as well as the development regulation codes that implement them. The City will also be reorganizing the Plan as part of the review to make it more readable.  Click on the underlined text here to view the current City Comprehensive Plan.

The Planning Commission has held a series of discussions on topics being considered during the Periodic Review.  You can see these discussions by clicking here and opening the Planning Commission meeting tab.  

The City Council has also held a series of study sessions about the upcoming Periodic Review.  You can
see those discussions here by opening the City Council meeting tab.
2024 Periodic Review Process
Tiffany Speir
Long Range & Strategic Planning Manager
Update Mon, Sep 20, 0023
9/20/23 Planning Commission discussion of processes to update Lakewood's Three Subarea Plans
On September 20, 2023, the Planning Commission discussed the processes to be used to update Lakewood's three subarea plans (Tillicum, Downtown, and Station District)
9/20/23 Planning Commission Meeting
Update Thu, Feb 23, 2023
2024 Periodic Review Steering Committee Meeting #1
Lakewood’s 2024 Comprehensive Plan Periodic Review Steering Committee met for the first time on February 23, 2023.

You can view meeting minutes here and the video recording here.

For more information, please contact Tiffany Speir, Long Range & Strategic Planning Manager, at [email protected].
2024 Periodic Review Steering Committee Meeting #1
022323 Lakewood SC Meeting 1 Notes ( 0.12 MB )
Update Tue, Mar 28, 2023
3/28/23 2024 Periodic Review Steering Committee Meeting
The Steering Committee focused its efforts on reviewing the City's current Emergency & Climate Change policies and work plan to provide feedback.  View meeting materials here
3/28/23 2024 Periodic Review Steering Committee Meeting
Update Tue, May 30, 2023
5/30/23 2024 Periodic Review Steering Committee Meeting
Discussion of outreach events, survey responses to date, and draft updates to Climate Change Action Plan Priorities
5/30/23 2024 Periodic Review Steering Committee Meeting
053023 24CPPR StComm Mtg 4 Presentation ( 1.31 MB )
Update Sat, Aug 19, 2023
Series of brief videos explaining the need for more housing in Lakewood
One of the major focuses in the 2024 Comprehensive Plan review is planning for housing.  To understand the basic issues, check out these videos developed by the WA Department of Commerce:

Update Mon, Sep 18, 2023
9/18/23 Joint Tillicum Neighborhood and Steering Committee Meeting
The Lakewood Tillicum Neighborhood Plan Steering Committee and full Comprehensive Plan update Steering Committee held a joint meeting to review the purpose behind the 2024 update and then start to discuss next steps.

9/18/23 2024 Periodic Review Steering Committee Meeting
Joint Lakewood Steering Commiteee Meeting Notes 2023 0918 ( 1.23 MB )
Update Wed, Nov 15, 2023
11/15/23 Open House re New State Housing Rules Lakewood must follow
On November 15, 2023, Lakewood held an Open House about the changes coming to Lakewood’s Housing Rules that are required by state law. You can watch the presentation here. You can view the meeting materials here.
11/15/23 Open House re New Housing Rules
111523 OpenHouse PPT ( 3.91 MB )
Update Mon, Jan 8, 2024
January 23 and February 28 Open Houses scheduled about Lakewood Comprehensive Plan Updates

Two Public Meetings Scheduled about New Housing Rules coming to Lakewood
Periodic Review Open Houses. Lakewood will hold a series of public meetings in 2024 about the pending changes to what residential property owners are allowed to building on their parcels:
*January 23, 2024 5:30 pm at
Fort Steilacoom Park Pavilion (8714 87th Ave SW). ZOOM link: or call +1 253 215 8782 and use Meeting ID 879 9429 3830

*February 28, 2024 @ 5:30 pm at Clover Park Technical College Rotunda (4500 Steilacoom Blvd, Building 3.) ZOOM Link: or call +1 253 215 8782 and use Meeting ID  890 1796 2018

*You can watch the 11/15/23 Open House presentation here. You can view the meeting materials here.

11/15/23 Open House re New Housing Rules
111523 OpenHouse PPT ( 3.91 MB )
Update Mon, Jan 8, 2024
2024 Periodic Review Steering Committee Meeting #2: Visioning
On January 8, 2024, the Lakewood Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee met to review and begin discussing updates to the 2015 City Community Vision.

You can view the meeting materials here.

You can watch the meeting here.
1/8/24 Steering Committee Meeting
010824 TSpeir PPT re Vision to StComm ( 1.18 MB )
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